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The Power of Your Voice

Neighbors:   YOUR Voice Counts!


One of the most powerful things we can do is use our voices. Voices can be used to create change, stop harmful change & elect representatives who share our collective values.    Also, voices can encourage other voices to participate in the dialog. 

The power of our collective voices, through organizations like Neighbors for Better Planning, provide an emerging opportunity for local government to partner with community residents for thoughtful change.  In this model, community residents are viewed as valued collaborators in shaping the future of our town and its policies. After all, this is where we live, worship, shop & educate our children; that is what community is.


Neighbors for Better Planning is all about empowering residents to influence decision makers while preserving their rights as community members and preserving our local, natural ecosystems and open spaces. As residents, you are the beating hearts of Wellesley. We support our Town financially, through our taxes and our votes and with these  supports  we earn the right to have our perspectives heard. When we use our voices collectively, we are heard. Our voices allow us to claim our right to be at the decision-making table.    As we change the paradigm of top-down government, our voices move us toward a stronger partnership with town leadership to improve and protect the features of our neighborhoods that we love. We have all chosen to live here.   As we magnify our voices in a collective and spirited effort, we share our expectations for engagement with our community principals. Boston is the heart of our democracy and our voices matter. 

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Neighbors:   YOUR votes counted!


Neighbors for Better Planning's endorsed candidates carried the day:


  • 93% of our endorsed candidates were elected to Town Meeting

  • 100% of Neighbors' endorsed candidates for Select Board, Planning Board and Natural Resources were elected. 


Thank you to all of you who voted and thank you to all the volunteers who put up signs, called your friends & supported our candidates. This is truly democracy at work!​


Neighbors for Better Planning

We advocate for maintaining and preserving the natural environmental and historic qualities that make our neighborhoods unique and desirable.

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