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About Us

We promote the idea that  the sense of community only grows stronger and healthier when developed with a set of values that protects nature’s environment and wetlands, preserves the character of our neighborhoods and keeps our districts chemical free and pedestrians safe

We believe that strong neighborhoods are the foundation of a great community. By working together, we can create a better future for ourselves and our families.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission is to preserve the voices of Wellesley residents in our town’s future planning and development. We advocate and endorse town committee members who embrace the guidelines in the Wellesley 2019 Unified Plan which state the Town’s commitment to defending the town safety, environmental protections, traffic mitigation, safeguarding of natural resources and the protection of historic areas to ensure a framework for respectfully managed growth and development.

Young Family
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Neighbors for Better Planning is continuing to monitor any proposed changes to Town zoning regulations. Neighbors is an all volunteer effort. That means we are reliant on your financial help to secure legal and other professional assistance. Your financial help is vital for our continued success.If the need arises again for these services we will reach out to for your financial contributions. Any contribution is very appreciated.

Neighbors for Better Planning

We advocate for maintaining and preserving the natural environmental and historic qualities that make our neighborhoods unique and desirable.

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© 2023 Neighbors for Better Planning LLC

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